What Have you learned from your audience feedback

From the audience feedback I learnt that my music video was excellent in both appealing to the target audience and also excellent on the use of editing as this was done to a professional standard. I also learn't that I could of used de-interlace more on the green screen scene to make it high definition. The editing as good as it was fast paced syncing with the fast tempo on the beat. The use of split screens and collage was very good as it showed variety in the editing. They also liked the intro to the video with the pepstar logo and the use of le jetee.

However there were some areas in which I could of improved. This video had a short narrative, which was used by images, and this was unclear to what what going on. Some scenes where a bit repetitive which could lead to the audience not being focused.

If I could re-do my video I would keep it how it is but with a clear narrative.


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