Ray J "SEXY CAN I" ft. Yung Berg

This is a video from Ray J Ft Yung berg. The name of the song/video is Sexy Can I. the song can be identifies as being a mixture/combination of R&B and Hip-hop. This video was directed and Edited by Tom Small and was released in early 2007. The music video is concept based it doesn’t include a narrative nor is there any performing. There is a lot of mise en scene that makes us understand the genre of music. These types of props consist of expensive cars such as Lamborghini and expensive jewellery such as diamond earrings, rings and chains. With the use of different editing techniques/effects such as fades and camera shot framing effects the video looks more advanced without the use of green screening. The video also includes a number of low angle shots and close ups of the individuals and groups.

In the video the artist are represented as being wealthy and are carrying out the roles of stereotypical men in the hip hop music industry; this is shown through the amount of women both artist have in the video. The wealth aspect is shown through the designer clothing such as the expensive suits and also the diamond encrusted chains and rings. The cameras also zoom in to the artist jewellery by close ups and the use of panning from the bottom to the top vice versa. Some parts of the video can also be said to be a countertype, as people in the hip-hop culture tend to wear baggy clothing and try to avoid tight fitting clothes like suits.

There are on two main characters in the video Ray J (the main artists) and Yung Berg (the featured artist). Ray J is an R&B singer as well as a hip-hop rapper who is currently signed to Atlantic records. Yung Berg is a Rapper, Singer, Songwriter and Producer who is currently signed to Epic and bloodline recordings. This video was world premiered on the most viewed music channels in America; B.E.T’s 106 in park. The song reached 4th place after the 1st day as it was promoted through other channels such as MTV base and Flava. The reason why the music video was on such channels is because of the genre of music.

The target audience for this video is young adults. People may watch the video for personal relationships reasons; maybe something along the lines of cheating with lovers with a large number of other girls or past experiences. The audience theory witch can be applied to audience consumptions is post-feminism. This is because of the way the women are dressed and are trying to get the attention of the male character almost like a competition. Young male audiences may gain pleasure by watching this type of video due to the large amount of females involved in-between scenes.

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